The CDC estimates that on average more than 1 in 7 children are victims of child abuse every single year, with The New York State Children's Alliance stating that '1 in 10 children will be abused before their 18th birthday.' Source: (
In 2019, a staggering number of almost 2,000 children fatally succumbed from child abuse. The NYSCA states that in a single year alone, 'more than 23,000 children were served by NYS Child Advocacy Centers.' The Children's Alliance website continues to suggest that it's more than likely that you know a child who is currently being abused or has been in the past.
These are such incredibly sad and scary statistics. 1 in 7 every year; 1 in 10 before they're 18; Numbers that should never even be considered a statistic at all when it comes to abuse of children.
Our children are our future and a statistic like that leads to an overwhelming amount of future psychological, sociological, political, financial, and familial duress for their future.
#OneTooMany is an opportunity to have one of the most important conversations you can have. 'One child abused is One Too Many' Learn more about how the NYS Children's Alliance is educating our communities and fighting child abuse in our area:
Watch and share this video, it could make all the difference to children in our communities.
Find your nearest NYS Child Advocacy Center and Multi Disciplinary Teams, available in 61 counties across the state:
The CDC suggests that there are many ways to mitigate and prevent child abuse, including many indirect and direct approaches.
Strengthening economic supports to families
Changing social norms to support parents and positive parenting
Providing quality care and education early in life
Enhancing parenting skills to promote healthy child development
Intervening to lessen harms and prevent future risk
are some of The CDC's suggestions to positively impact violence and abuse against children. Source: (
In every one of those aforementioned suggestions is an opportunity for introducing and increasing canine comfort services.
Comfort canine services from a trained and certified dog and trainer/owner team can help to alleviate many areas of the cycle of abuse. Josie's Journey is adept at supporting children and their families in a multitude of ways. Canines are one of nature's most compassionate and receptive creatures. Whether befriending a young adult or a seasoned elder, dogs have been one of man's best friends in all walks of life. Dogs have always had an innate ability to sniff out the bad stuff and snuggle the good stuff.
Josie's Journey is supporting children, families, and our greater communities by offering canine comfort and care. Whether it's in group settings such as libraries or social events, individual settings such as counseling or medical care, or dynamic and confusing settings such as court rooms or testimonies. Josie's Journey's comfort canines are trained to comfort children in the some of the most fragile moments and challenging scenarios.
We work with local groups to bring awareness of the benefits of comfort canine to the community as a whole, as well as be available at no charge to children, families, and groups for support in many challenging and dynamic situations.
An article from 2017 titled 'Court Room Dogs' states that documented canine presence in the courtroom goes as far back as the early 1990's. The article further states that "these canines lie quietly in the witness box, offering a supportive presence that helps victims and witness compose themselves and tell a jury what happened."
The article further states that "supporters say the dogs...have made a huge difference in helping children and vulnerable adult victims and witnesses open up on the stand." Sometimes municipality rules only allow canine support during interviews or depositions. Source: (
Josie's Journey has made a pack to fight child abuse.
One cuddle from your favorite pup can help change the course of the cycle of abuse.
Our children are our future and man's best friend has been our children's guardians for as old as time.

Help Josie's Journey and spread the word:
Call us at 607-345-7660 or send us an email at
Josie's Journey is a 501C3 Nonprofit. We offer all services 100% free and operate through donations and grants.